"Diabetes" - A Nigeria Ticking Time-Bomb

"Diabetes has reached an epidemic proportion in Nigeria according to recent publications, and has resulted to premature death of thousands of Nigerians in addition to permanent disabilities like blindness, amputation of limbs, impotence, kidney failures, still births, pregnancy wastages, etc." - Diabetes Association of Nigeria (DAN) 

According to WHO, Nigeria has the highest number of diabetes in the whole of sub sahara Africa. Their statistics also show that 60 per cent of deaths in Nigeria are now caused by chronic non-communicable diseases such as diabetes and hearth failures.
"In Nigeria, with over 140 million people (2006 census), an estimated six million people have full blown diabetes mellitus." - Diabetes Association of Nigeria (DAN) 
A number of Health Experts in Nigeria now believe that 3 out of 5 adults in Nigeria may be diabetic already; including those not yet formally diagnosed. That's why Elkris believe it is time to take proactive steps!

The Nigeria Diet Culture:
The unprecedented rates of Diabetes and Cholesterol fatalities in Nigeria and Ghana are believed to have strong links some way or the other with the "staple diet culture of heavy-starch carbohydrates" consumed usually with "oil-laden soups," in this sister-countries. The same non-scientific survey which revealed that almost every other African country has less ratio of diabetes/cholesterol also suggests that the staple carbohydrate foods in other African countries contain lesser heavy starch when compared to the Nigeria and Ghana's; such as eba, fufu, etc.
Pre-Diabetes Condition:
It will not be a thing of surprise if it turns out that Pre-Diabetes population in Nigeria is a much as another six million adults. "Pre-Diabetes" is the state in which some but not all of the diagnostic criteria for diabetes are met. It is often described as the "grey area" between normal blood sugar and diabetic levels. This state is easily reversible with the right diet; and accompanied with basic exercise life-style.
Elkris Group believes equal attention should be paid to the pre-diabetes populace as well as the diabetic community.
Contact us to find out more on how Elkris Super-Oat (your alternative to eba, pounded yam, semo, akpu, etc) helps to:
  • play a vital role in maintaining balance glucose levels in diabetic patients

  • protect your non-diabetic status (long term), as someone not yet diagnosed with diabetes.

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